Project Overview

Project Description Four Laning of Ujjain Garoth (Package III) Suhagada to Bardiya Amra from Km 89+200 to Km 135+351 section of NH-148NG in the state of MP on Hybrid Annuity Mode. PKG_03
Type Road & Highway
Length 46.15 Km
Client National Highway Authority of India
Scope of Work Four Laning of Ujjain Garoth (Package III) Suhagada to Bardiya Amra from Km 89+200 to Km 135+351 section of NH-148NG in the state of MP on Hybrid Annuity Mode. PKG_03
No. of Lanes 4 Lanes
Total Lane Kilometers 184.60 Km
Category of Road Expressway
Estimated Project Cost (Rs.) 598.00 Crores
Completion Period 2 years
Maintenance Period 15 years
National Highway 148NG Development Project

National Highway 148NG Development Project

The Government of India has entrusted the development, maintenance, and management of National Highway No. 148NG to the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI). The project focuses on the section of the highway from Ujjain Garoth (Package-III) Suhagada to Bardiya Amra, covering a stretch from Km 89.200 to Km 135.351.

Project Overview

The Authority has resolved to upgrade and widen the existing carriageway of National Highway 148NG to four-lane standards. This includes rehabilitation, upgradation, and the construction of new and improved infrastructure.

Scope of Work

The scope of work includes:

Contract Details

This project will be implemented under the National Highways Development Project (NHDP) Phase-III on a Hybrid Annuity basis. The project involves both construction and ongoing operation and maintenance.

Key Project Features