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He has been hosting the auction for so many years, and this is the first time he has encountered a scene like today Congratulations to that strong man for selling this purple glow glazed garment for the astronomical price of 70 billion top quality fairy crystals The old man, after all, had been on the battlefield for a long time, and he recovered in an instant and shouted loudly Then, a young girl walked up to the stand, picked up the tray with purple clouds and glazed clothes, and then, guarded by two middle aged men, walked up the empty steps to the The private room where Jiang Shi was Immediately, everyone was waiting to see if the person in the private room really had strength or was just a vain person If you can afford the sky high price of 70 billion for the best immortal crystal, then that's okay.

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At that time, he was irrational because he lost his child. Now when he thinks back, he realizes that things were not what they were before. Looking at Lu Tianxiang's expression, Luo Zixun also understood that he had something clearly in mind, but it seemed that he couldn't comment on who was wrong and who was right in this matter.

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Even if he asked Lu Rong, he couldn't remember it. In the end, it was Kasol who reminded him of the matter. The issue of Xiao Yusi's true identity has been forgotten during these days. Now that it has been aroused, it is time to resolve it.

If you give up on the Yan family early, maybe I will not put you in danger. Lu Tianxiang's words seemed to be hope, but they were not. Then how can you let us go At this time, Yang Ye still chose to negotiate terms with Lu Tianxiang, because it was not easy for the Yang family to work hard for so many years.

exactly this move In this way, this middle aged man is the one who suddenly disappeared three thousand years ago.

Cultivation level, middle stage of immortality Shan Yi, as an immortal, why don't you attack me directly instead of playing so many tricks Jiang Shi asked doubtfully.

What are you doing At this time, the guards on both sides immediately surrounded him and shouted angrily, You, let me go Otherwise, I guarantee you won't survive for a quarter of an hour When Shu Yi heard this, he immediately laughed, Bang Shu Yi With a wave of one hand, he unleashed a stream of immortal energy, knocking all the guards to the ground.

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In Chang Qing'er's palace, the place is brightly lit and bustling, Jiang Shi, Yunsheng, Huo Wu, Chang Cang, Aotian, Xue Jiao, Huo The Yan couple, Cai Ning, and everyone gathered together, chatting and laughing, but Ting'er, Youmeng, Ruxuan, and Shang Qing'er sat around Jiang Shi, filling wine for everyone.

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The seven people of Jiang Shi were finally exhausted.

The master is so great Who is the master You still don't understand what I am thinking. Forget it, I have my plan. If I say that my goal is not the emperor, will you understand I have other plans, and the goal is not the emperor. Rui'er couldn't believe her ears after these words came out of Lu Tianxiang's mouth.

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I'm here to accompany you Jiang Shi said disdainfully, since Zhao Cheng had explained what he said, there was no need for him to pretend.

Lu Rong's door of time and space slowly opened under Lu Tianxiang's knowledge, but the opening width was very small and the suction force was not strong.

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