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If Qing'er and Youmeng find out about this, why won't they torture me to death Jiang Shi shuddered, and then went into seclusion to practice.

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This is a good thing to note. Although I don't like'Yu'and the people behind him, I still have to thank you. Lu Tianxiang brought Yan Momo's activity database. Then he planned to set off to the Lion Dragon Grotto, the base of the Griffin Clan.

According to my analysis, this Yulian is really from the East China Sea How can you see it Let's go, you will know when we get there Jiang Shi was a little confused.

If they can travel together now, I believe they can learn a lot along the way.

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But between the beautiful eyebrows, there was worry and fear.

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Sect Master, please forgive me The three of them stood up quickly and knelt on one knee with extremely respectful expressions.

The light curtain illuminated the scenery around Jiang Shi so that everyone would not feel lonely.

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Boom In the first confrontation that attracted everyone's attention, smoke and dust filled the ground. Soon after, Taitong took two steps back. But after the smoke and dust dissipated, Lu Tianxiang actually stood firmly in place without wavering. This scene surprised everyone in the Titan Temple.

Otherwise, you must persist on this bridge for an hour without dying Those people on the other side of the bridge were lying on their stomachs or lying down when they came.

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Lu Rong was in Flender's hands, and Lu Tianxiang had to go with him. There was no way he would let anything happen to Lu Rong. But just when Lu Tianxiang was about to leave, Macarina stood in front of Lu Tianxiang with lightning speed and stared at Flanders fiercely. Macarina, the leader of the adjudicators, do you think you alone are my opponent Get out of the way Flanders flicked his head, and Macarina took two steps back and bumped into Lu Tianxiang Then Lu Tianxiang pushed Macarina aside and walked towards Flanders.

Jiang Shi was secretly careful, walked lightly, and slowly approached him.

This was Gui Yanfeng's last words to Lu Tianxiang. A killer weapon, no matter how powerful Lu Tianxiang's energy is, in the end it will still be difficult to sustain this mental impact.

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Huh Jiang Shi looked back and saw a figure hiding in the broken stone wall Manshi, who is this Jiang Shi sent the image to Manshi.

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Shu Yi curled his lips and said, Brother, why are you so stupid When the seven of us brothers ascended, we fought against the 200,000 immortal army.

wait. It seems that you were very happy last night Lorga didn't put on any airs with Lu Tianxiang, just like ordinary friends communicating. Uh don't discuss this matter. Let's go back to the speculation Xiao Yanxun said last night.

Together, we will protect the fairy world Mr.

After learning about Lu Tianxiang's idea, in order to help him, the Ice Qilin quietly came to the ice and snow plain with the richest ice attributes.

It turns out that the Emperor of Heaven is so young At such a young age, he has such astonishing cultivation.

Lu Tianxiang doesn't want to delay, and of course others don't want to delay either. The longer it is delayed, it will be detrimental to everyone.

Ever since you asked me to help you find out the whereabouts of the Tianmen disciples, I ve put a lot of thought into it However, I really helped you rescue your Tianmen members Jiang Shi surrendered.

Where are they Huh Humph, you dare to peek into my cave Jiang Shi suddenly snorted coldly and appeared in the cave in an instant, and then his tyrannical consciousness rushed out, Get out Bang Pfft A light flashed in the air, An old man in black vomited blood and fell from the air Whoosh Jiang Shi grabbed his hand, and a strong wind shot out, directly grabbing the old man from the air Bang Jiang Shi pinched the old man's throat and said sternly Who are you Tell me Don't say death Tsk, tsk, this poor Taoist is Zhuifeng Zhenren The old man said with difficulty, without any worry in his eyes.

Long gave an order, Yun Sheng shut up obediently.

First of all, because there is no leader in the helpless zone, if you want to be the leader, you must have absolute strength, and this strength is not Lu Tianxiang's personal strength, but deterrence.

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But you have been helping the six major forces, why is nothing happening Lu Tianxiang thought of this question in his mind, so he asked curiously. Didn't we take action after the Elmir family was destroyed They had been asking us to help them before, but we refused.

Jiang Shi smiled and walked away.

This question is very profound. Lu Tianxiang always thought that the first generation Lu Rong changed the history of the entire time and space, cleared the future of the entire time and space, and allowed it to develop anew, but this was not actually the case.

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After Lu Tianxiang obtained the heart of the Sky Stone Giant, he planned to find the Nuolan Bird. Flax said that this kind of bird has no attack power, but is very rare, and its residence is unstable.

Boss, are these enough I never played with any of them when I was a child Yun Sheng scooped up a rattle and shook it curiously.

As expected of a werewolf who is good at sneak attack fighting, this sneak attack is really extraordinary. Lu Tianxiang began to enter the cultivation state after feeling relieved.

In fact, there is nothing surprising about this, it is because of the three month old child in Yan Xue's belly. Lu Tianxiang never expected that three months had passed and Yan Xue was already three months pregnant.

I watched Yan Momo take Xuelan and the others away, and I didn't take any action. Rui'er said very directly. She watched Yan Momo take the people away but did not help, but Lu Tianxiang didn't seem to blame her. Instead, his eyes were filled with more apologies.

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Fortunately, Lu Tianxiang did not kill Yun Dan and let him continue to support the coward of the royal family. And Yun Dan didn't know if there was any special arrangement for Lu Tianxiang to let him go.

Chang Qing'er held Jiang Shi's arm and said warmly Brother Jiang, Lingling is still young, there is no need for this As long as we are here, Lingling will not be harmed Qing'er, you don't Understand And everyone else, you don t understand Do you think we are invincible in the world of cultivation Qing er, if you compare me with your father, who do you think is stronger Jiang Shi changed the subject and suddenly asked road.

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Was it still a warm up after fighting for so long So what challenges will we face next Those little cannon fodder monsters finally stopped rushing out in a steady stream, and the last group was wiped out in Qiao Zi's sea of fire.

The whole world was trembling for him Boom A huge knife shadow appeared, and a hurricane blew up in the field, almost blowing Jiang Shi out Fortunately, it was high in the sky at this time.

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Of course, it is not easy for that monster to resist Yan Yu. Although it has an immortal body, as long as Yan Yu takes action, even the immortal will be suppressed.

Bang a strong force burst out from Jiang Shi's body and knocked Xiao Ying unconscious with one punch.

This time Lu Tianxiang did not send any fireballs. Just when the two lieutenants thought they could attack Lu Tianxiang At that moment, two ice walls appeared in front of them.

Does it have to be like this Zhu Li was looking forward to Lu Tianxiang not having to do it, but what he was waiting for was still the word that's right.

After everything was completed, a word'Jiang'flew out and was printed on the spell.

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